Traditional vs. Digital

What is traditional marketing?                            
Traditional marketing is an approach in which marketers identify their audience and place ads where their audience will see, hear, or interact with them offline, such as print ads, billboards, or television advertisements.

Many of the common and most tried offline marketing tactics come under the following five major categories:

1. Print (magazines, newspapers, etc.) B

2. Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.)

3. Direct Mail (catalogues, postcards, etc.)

4. Telephone (telemarketing, sms marketing, etc.)

5. Outdoor (billboards, fliers, etc.)

What is digital marketing?

Digital or online marketing is the marketing mode of the global village. It is only obvious that the era of the internet will have its influence in every life.

Digital marketing includes platforms like:

1. Social media like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

2. Business networking sites like LinkedIn.

3. Promotional ads via emails.

4. Paid pop-ups.

5. Blogs

Traditional vs. digital marketing

Now that we know what traditional and digital marketing are, let us find out what traditional marketing vs. digital marketing. 

1. Reduced cost

Newspaper ads, television ads, and the likes cost a lot. Online advertising on the other hand is something even young entrepreneurs can afford right out of some saved up money.

2. Real time result

In traditional marketing, you have to wait for weeks, sometimes even months before the boosts start to turn up. 

In this battle of traditional vs. online marketing, online marketing wins again owing to its quick results.

You can see everything in real time including:

  • Number of visitors.
  • Most active time of the day.
  • Conversion rates.
  • Bounce rates.

3. Brand development

Digital marketing vs. traditional marketing statistics can be measured but one thing these statistics don’t take into consideration in comparison to online advertising vs. traditional advertising is the brand image the online advertising gives rise to. This is mainly because with the limited space and frequency of advertisements with traditional marketing, digital marketing clearly wins this category.

4. Higher exposure

Now, you can’t claim that a television ad or an advertisement on every newspaper in town is going to cover the majority of the population. Any means of traditional advertisement is limited to a certain locality.
Whereas online advertisement reaches out to the entire 
world so you are missing out on nothing.     
5.Higher engagement

In traditional marketing, you cannot really interact with your target audience. You need to wait out for the responses to come in before you can plan your next step. This is a long and tedious process.
Online marketing allows you to engage your audience in real time. You can chat and discuss a lot about your brand or Company with the actual audience immediately. Yes, this demands more engagement from your side too. You need to be prepared to invest that much time or a public relations team into the marketing budget.

6.Quicker publicity                        

Very much due to the real time results of online marketing, you get instant publicity. If you don’t, you at least instantly know that this particular ad isn’t working for you. 
Traditional vs. digital marketing is an almost unfair comparison here because the former has no scope to deliver in this regard. Whereas with the latter, there is a chain reaction of shares and comments helping you reach a new audience and earn a new visitor every nanosecond.

7. Easy analytics

With online marketing you instantly know what is working for you and what isn’t via Google Analytics. You can measure the inbound traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, profit, and the general trend of interested audience, all in real time.


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