Strategy in crisis

A digital marketing strategy is a plan that helps your business achieve specific digital goals through carefully selected online marketing channels such as paid, earned, and owned media.

This Journey is the process every prospect goes through to become a new customer.                                                                                                           
It’s how strangers become buyers and,eventually, raving fans of your business.                                          
The hard truth is that marketing is not a one-step process. There are eight stages you must account for on the path to purchase and promotion.    

But, I have great news. If you understand this           digital marketing strategy (the Customer Value Journey), then you can intentionally engineer your business in such a way that it moves people predictably through the stages in this template.

Now let’s walk through the 8-step process of crafting your digital marketing strategy:
Step 1: Awareness                                                         
Before someone can buy from you, they have to realize you exist—right? 
Well, that’s Step 1 in the Customer Value Journey.
This step is pretty self-explanatory: It’s where the person becomes aware you. After all, nobody is born knowing who Apple or Amazon are. At some points they have to become aware of these companies if they are to become a customer. 

The same thing is true of your company.

To improve awareness of your company, the digital marketing tactics you need to master or hire include: 

• Digital Advertising  
• Search Marketing   
• Content Marketing  
        • Social Media Marketing
            • Community Management  
• Copywriting             

Step 2: Engagement                                                  
   Your prospect is now aware of you—they know who you are—but you’re still in the early stages of a relationship with them. They don’t yet know you, like you,or trust you. 

So the next step is to start developing relationship with your prospect.

Step 3: Subscribe                                                           At this point, your prospect knows who you are and has engaged with you in some way or another. 

However, if you failed to get that person’s contact information, odds are high you’ll never hear from them again. 

Because people today are inundated with marketing and content, creating a scarcity of attention. Just because someone reads one of your blog posts today does NOT mean they’ll remember to revisit your site in the future.


Step 4: Convert                                                              If the subscribers you gain in Step 3 of the journey remain engaged, some of them will be ready to increase their level of commitment. They like the information you share and have begun to trust you, so they’re ready to invest  
in one of two ways: either with time or money.

This is a critical stage in the Customer Journey and one that frustrates many business owners. The key to success in this stage is to employ what we call  “entry-point offers.” These offers are designed to give the new prospect tremendous value without forcing them to put too much “skin in the game.”


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